Contact us
Enquiries about our collections, loans, or press matters? You are welcome to contact us with your quiestion at Nordiska museet in central Stockholm.
Nordiska museet
Visiting address
Djurgårdsvägen 6–16, at Djurgården, directly to the right after passing Djurgårdsbron bridge.
Switchboard: + 46 8-519 546 0
Entrance desk: +46 8-519 547 70
Postal address
Nordiska museet
P.O. Box 27820
SE-115 93 Stockholm
Press contact
Sofia Hiller, Press officer
+46 8-519 545 18
+ 46 8-519 545 62
+46-8-519 545 55 (Wednesdays 12pm–6pm)
+46-8-519 546 33 (Wednesdays 12pm–6pm)
Museer och institutioner som önskar komma i kontakt med oss angående lån av föremål till utställningar kan kontakta oss på e-post
Museum Director
Sanne Houby-Nielsen, Associate Professor

The Director of the Foundation Nordiska museet
Nordiska museet is an independent foundation. The board of the foundation is responsible for matters relating to the use of the foundation’s assets and placement of wealth, in accordance with the Foundation Act and the foundation’s statutes.
The Director leads and coordinates the foundation’s operations and is responsible for the planning and implementation of Nordiska museet’s development, in accordance with the board’s decisions, and for the museum’s day-to-day administration.
Sanne Houby-Nielsen
Sanne Houby-Nielsen is Director of the Foundation Nordiska museet since 2015. Sanne Houby-Nielsen is a classically trained archaeologist, educated at universities in Denmark, Germany, and England. She holds a PhD from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and is an Associate Professor at Lund University in Sweden. Her research has been widely published in international journals.
As Director and later Director General of the National Museums of World Culture in Stockholm, she gained recognition for, among other things, her work with exhibitions on the Swedish Cyprus Collections (Medelhavsmuseet) and the Swedish collections from China (Östasiatiska museet). She also curated a series of major exhibitions displaying world-famous archaeological treasures, some of which remain among the most visited temporary exhibitions in Sweden.
Since February 2015, Sanne Houby-Nielsen serves as Director and leads a gradual renewal process of Sweden’s largest cultural history museum, the Nordiska museet in Stockholm.
Please contact: Anette Jansson, Executive Assistant